Redundancy can be a difficult thing to go through, it is important to try and view it as an opportunity not as rejection. This could be your opportunity to start afresh, meet new people and maybe find the job of your dreams. Take positive action: –
Inform your network
Networking is a very powerful tool when you are seeking a job. Use your network, whether you seek an opportunity in the career you have been in or a change to something completely different. The best plan is to tell everyone you know about your search for employment. The more people you tell the more likely it is that something positive will come back from your network.
Uncover your network
Talk to your family and let them know you are looking for work. Inform your friends. Contact your colleagues and ex colleagues and don’t forget social media. All too often people underestimate the power of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Seek information and advice
Use your network to gather information. Golden Eggs can come from the most unlikely places. For example, a Customer Service Manager recently got a job through her hairdresser, who happened to know someone who was looking to recruit a person for a similar role in their organisation.
Making Contact
When you find someone you think may be able to help, if possible try to make contact via email or letter. Ensure to include your contact details and phone number. You’d be surprised how many good eggs will be willing to help! If you decide a phone call is more appropriate plan your call! Think about what information or advice your contact can help you with or if they are unable to help, do they know of someone who can? Try not to be too pushy and remember, thank you goes a long way.
The path to success
We all network every day when we seek advice from friends about buying an expensive item or going to see the latest film. Why not do the same with your job search? You have nothing to lose. The best outcome could be a new job and even if this is not achieved you would have built a better relationship with more people and expanded your network. For further details please call Good Egg Recruitment on 02476 596822.